Sunday, March 30, 2008

my quiz mates

Not in any order:

VENKATESH aka peter:

my partner for kwizes in my second year when we were learning the tricks of the trade.
Believes he is the best in yo yo qstns{hollywood and western musik based qstns}¥.
proud owner of a 1000 gb movie collection and an equally big book addict¥.
Has the drive and passion to succeed¥.but if he learns to be street smart and be a little willing to share his knowledge,he will go places¥.

note:lost a gf bcoz of me and so karries a grudge till date¥.pls drop it peter¥.


hardcore Tamil movie fan¥.recites tamil dialogs without batting a eyelid.kreated a ruckus when in a bad patch¥.the "kool guy" egvrybdy wants to hangout with¥.smtimes funny smtimes sarcastic¥.believes in "ulaga arIvu" than in bookish knowledge.

blessed with an equally good and complimentary partner with whom he won many a quiz¥.the "guy to beat" in our kwizzing circle¥.

Arun kumar:{last frohm left}

my partner in my recent quizzes¥.though we shmare many interests like business
books osho kiyosaki and others¥.he is hmore exclusigve in his preferences¥.has a blog of his own¥.the only promising talent in kwizzing among my juniors.i wish u get a good partner for kwizzes in future¥.


The trimurthy of quizzing who woke up and smelled the coffee very late¥.being late bloomers couldnt catch up with the rest¥.Otherwise they are as good as any good kwizzer¥.

Ramamoorthy aka Rahma:

Venkateshs complimentary partner and natrajs best frend¥.was good in skool kwizzing and brings the same talent to table and much more.BelieVes in waiting for things to happen rather than pushing the envelope¥.my only classmate for whom "interface" means more than a teknical term and "quiz"doent mean boring¥.
he used to advise me in some "worldly affairs" and is disappointed with me for not following his advice¥.


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