Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Slideshow Quiz:

Today i stumbled upon a website known as Slideshare which enables users to share powerpoint presentations.I searched for "quiz" and found some good quizzes. I have posted them here. there werent many quiz ppts,remember wikipedia too wasnt huge when it started.

I would like to make a sincere request to those quizers who are reading this.Please post the quiz presentation slides that u have/created and share the joy of quiz with others.It also adds permanence to ur quiz presentations.You need not worry about hard disc formatting or "lost in tansit" or any other data loss.You can enjoy ur quiz 4 etrnity and may be show it to ur grand children.And imagine the possibility of millions of views that u can get.

Present your fellow quizzers and the quizzing fraternity with ur poerpoint "presentations".

Looking forward to post and see some good quizzes in the future.

For ur eyes only:
Powerpoint or Ppt is a boon to quizzers.Gone are the days when TVs and OHPs were used for clumsy audio-video questions.Ppt is surely a "presentation" for quizzers.

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