Saturday, June 2, 2007

Spell bee quiz

Spell Bee quiz:
Following are some of the questions based on the Spell Bee program from ESPN.Since i cant ask u to spell 'burelage' or any other word for that matter,all the questions ask for anything but the spelling of the words.No googling.Mail me your answers to;One who gets a perfect ten will get a pocket Oxford dictionary!

1)If "check mate" is for the king,what is it for the queen?(Yes,there is a term for it!)

2)Imagine that you and your friend decide to put a board saying "No Parking" outside
ur home.You have bought the board and you ask ur friend to bring it to the front of ur home.You would say "Bring that _________ ".Also imagine that you have just
graduated from Oxford and use only very standard and apt words.So Pls dont say board.

3This one is guessable.Saggitarius is an astrological symbol.But what does the
word "Saggital" refers to?

4)Which clinical condition is characterised by protruding eyeballs?

5)Psilosis is one of the obvious change in physical appearance of a patient who has
undergone a chemical treatment for cancer.What does "Psilosis" mean?

6)Most of the words which begin with "im" are negative words ie they have negative meanings like impoverished,impotent.What negative meaning does "impuissant" mean?

7)Choose the best:
"Plattdeutsch" is:
a)a silver palette
b)a German dialeact
c)an Italian dish
d)a kind of hamburger.

8)The next time you see a stamp look for the "burelage" at the back of a stamp to
check whether it is genuine.So whats burelage?

9)Your friend checkmates you in a game of chess.But somehow you manage to checkmate
him in the very next move.What should you say now?

10)"Chromotrichial" is a kind of portmanteu word.What does it mean?



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